Nancy Randall Dana

Nancy Randall Dana, currently a school superintendent in the Frogtown area of St. Paul, has served on the Grotto Board since 2002. The legacy of Grotto was not new to her, as her father had served on the Grotto Board for many years. Nancy is a passionate advocate for providing underserved students the quality education they need to ensure a positive future. She has been a leader in the charter school movement with personal involvement for more than twenty-five years. As Coordinator and Consultant, she has stared nine schools, closed three and directly helped sustain another fifteen, serving a diverse urban population of new arrival immigrants and communities of poverty. She currently serves as Executive Director of Saint Paul City School, a pre K-8 program in the Frogtown neighborhood. Nancy has devoted her professional career to education, and has served as adjunct faculty for Hamline University, Macalaster College, and the University of St. Thomas. Most of her adult training classes are supporting adult leadership development. She spends her additional time training school boards on School Board leadership development.