Grotto Foundation seeks to improve the educational, financial, physical and social well-being of individuals and families by investing in effective nonprofit organizations throughout the state of Minnesota.
We award grants to organizations that work in at least three out of the following four areas:
Youth Development
Programs that provide experiences and activities to help youth develop personal values systems and social, emotional, physical, and cognitive competencies in order to achieve one's full potential.
Postsecondary Success
Any high-quality postsecondary credential or certification program that leads to workforce success as defined by individuals having the skills needed to secure living wage jobs with pathways to higher levels of pay, skill, responsibility or authority.
Community Safety and Neighborhood Development
Programs should incorporate community-led organizations, localized economic development, community leadership/leadership development and clear plans for sustainability.
Programs that promote both formal and informal mentoring relationships. Mentoring, when successful, can profoundly benefit all parties: the mentor, the mentee and the organization.